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Senior Illinoisans Hall of Fame

The Senior Illinoisans Hall of Fame honors the accomplishments of Illinois residents aged 65 and older. Each year, four older adults are inducted into the Hall of Fame for their work in the arts, sports, and entertainment; community service; education; or the labor force.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for nomination to the Hall of Fame, nominees must be:

  • Aged 65 or older at the time of nomination; and
  • A current Illinois resident or a previous resident of Illinois for most of their life.

Posthumous nominations are also accepted. To be eligible, the nominee must have been 65 or older and living in Illinois at the time of death.

Selection Process:

Nominations for the Hall of Fame are accepted year-round. To guarantee consideration for the 2025 induction class, nominations must be submitted no later than June 2, 2025. Nominations submitted after June 2nd will be considered for the following year’s induction class.

Nominators of new Hall of Fame inductees are expected to participate in an award ceremony honoring their nominee and highlighting their accomplishments.  

Hall of Fame Nomination Form:

Nomination forms must include:

  • The nominee's name, birthdate (including year), and contact information
  • At least one photograph of the nominee
  • The nominator’s contact information

The nominator will also be asked to provide information on the nominee’s contributions to their community, such as:

  • Contributions the nominee has made in ONE of the following categories:
    • Arts, sports, and entertainment
    • Community service
    • Education
    • The labor force
  • Volunteer work and/or charitable activities
  • Programs the nominee has implemented to improve community members’ quality of life
  • A list of awards, recognitions, and honors the nominee has received

Once you've gathered the necessary information, submit your nomination form using the online submission form, the fillable form (coming soon), or the printable form (coming soon) below.

For more information about the Senior Illinoisans Hall of Fame, contact the Illinois Department on Aging’s Senior Helpline.

The Governor's Engaging Aging Award

(previously the Governor's Award for Unique Achievement)

The Governor's Engaging Aging Award recognizes groups and organizations that have made a positive impact on the lives of seniors in the state. These organizations lead by example to live better and work harder to leave a lasting mark for positive change. They were nominated by the Area Agencies on Aging around the state.

The Illinois Department on Aging does not discriminate in admission to programs or treatment of employment in programs or activities in compliance with appropriate State and Federal Statutes. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have a right to file a complaint with the Illinois Department on Aging. For information, contact the Senior Helpline.