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Mary Killough, Acting Director


The MISSION of the Illinois Department on Aging is to serve and advocate for older Illinoisans and their caregivers by administering quality and culturally appropriate programs that promote partnerships and encourage independence, dignity, and quality of life.


The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) has an annual budget of over $1.6 billion and provides both federal and state funding to a network of community-based providers throughout the State of Illinois that provide services and supports to older adults to help them remain in their homes and communities. The Department also monitors the community-based providers that comprise the Aging Network to ensure high-quality and culturally appropriate services. IDoA administers the largest Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) Medicaid waiver in the state, the Persons Who are Elderly Waiver.  This waiver, also known as the Community Care Program (CCP), serves over 150,000 older adults age 60+ in the State of Illinois. Under CCP, eligible older adults may receive services such as in-home care, adult day service, emergency home response technology, and medication dispensing technology. Through the federal Older Americans Act, IDoA also funds 13 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) throughout the state that contract directly with community-based providers to deliver services such as home-delivered meals, congregate dining, senior centers, counseling and support groups, transportation, family caregiver supports, and older adult protection and advocacy services. The links below provide more detail on the Department’s budget over the last several state fiscal years.

Fiscal Year Budget Information

Fiscal Year 2026 Budget

Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

Fiscal Year 2024 Budget