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"...helping older adults live independently"

Community Care Program (CCP)

Established in 1979 by Public Act 81-202, the Illinois Department on Aging’s Community Care Program helps older adults who might otherwise need nursing home care to remain in their homes by providing in-home and community-based services. 

The Community Care Program aims to assist older adults in maintaining their independence and providing cost-effective alternatives to nursing home placement. These services include comprehensive care coordination, adult day services, in-home service, emergency home response services, and automated medication dispenser service.

The Community Care Program is available to any person who requests services and meets all current eligibility requirements. 

Download the Community Care Progam brochure in English
Additional languages also available: ChineseHindiPolishRussianSpanish

Who is Eligible? How do I access services?
  • 60 years old or older;
  • Either U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens within the specific categories;
  • Residents of Illinois;
  • Have non-exempt assets of $17,500 or less (Your home, car, or personal furnishings are classified as exempt assets.); and
  • Have an assessed need for long-term care (to be at risk for nursing facility placement as measured by the Determination of Need (DON) assessment).
  • Apply for and, if eligible, enroll in Medicaid 

Community Care Program services are coordinated on a community level by local organizations called Care Coordination Units (CCUs) that are part of our Aging Network. To find your local CCU, use our map tool.






Services available under the Community Care Program

In-Home Service

In-Home Service provides assistance with household tasks such as cleaning, planning and preparing meals, doing laundry, shopping and running errands. Homecare aides also assist participant with personal care tasks, such as dressing, bathing, grooming and following special diets. 

Emergency Home Response Service

Emergency Home Response Service (EHRS) is a 24-hour emergency communication link to assistance outside the home for older adults with documented health and safety needs and mobility limitations. This service is provided by a two-way voice communication system consisting of a base unit and an activation device worn by the participant that will automatically link them to a professionally staffed support center. 


Adult Day Service

Adult Day Service is designed especially for older adults who want to remain in the community but who cannot be home alone during the day due to a physical, social and/or mental impairment. Adult day service also provides respite for family caregivers, especially those who are employed outside the home, and socialization for isolated older adults. Services offered in adult day service centers include health, medication supervision, personal care and recreational/therapeutic activities. Nutritious lunches and snacks are served, and special diets are provided.

Automated Medication Dispenser Service

Automated Medication Dispenser Service (AMD) is a portable, mechanical system that can be programmed to dispense or alert the participant to take non-liquid oral medications in the participant's residence or other temporary residence in Illinois through auditory, visual or voice reminders; to provide tracking and caregiver notification of a missed medication dose; and to provide 24-hour technical assistance to the participant and responsible party for the AMD service in the home. The service may provide additional medication, specific directions or prompts to take other medications via other routes such as liquid medications or injections based on individual need.

The service is provided by a stand-alone medication dispenser base unit that is connected to and supported by a Department-approved AMD provider through either the telephone line or a wireless/cellular connection that does not interfere with the normal use of the telephone or emergency home response system.


Community Care Program services are coordinated on a community level by local organizations called Care Coordination Units (CCUs) that are part of our Aging Network. To find your local CCU, use our map tool.