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The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) is requesting a one-year extension to its State Plan on Aging from the Administration for Community Living (ACL). IDoA developed a robust State Plan on Aging that covers FY 2022 through FY 2024 using input from the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) as well as more than 300 stakeholders from across the state. IDoA conducted extensive stakeholder engagement through the Department’s advisory councils as well as through virtual townhalls, eliciting more external input than ever in our history.
Currently, the AAA's Area Plan three-year planning cycle is not aligned with the State Plan planning cycle, creating a disparity in real-time needs the State addresses via the State Plan. Illinois is requesting a one-year extension of the current State Plan on Aging so that the existing State Plan will remain in effect, without change, until September 30, 2025. This will allow for the realignment of the State Plan and the thirteen (13) AAA’s planning cycles so that the AAAs needs assessments can inform the new State Plan on Aging with real-time data. IDoA plans to formally request the extension from ACL in late August.
FY2022-2024 State Plan on Aging
The FY 2022-2024 State Plan on Aging incorporates elements of planning service area (PSA) area plans, and includes innovative ideas to ensure older adults are able to live safely in their homes. View the plan.
Over 300 individuals participated or provided feedback about the State Plan during October 2020. Review the comments and feedback.
Past State Plans on Aging