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Senior Community Service Employment Program

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), also known as the Title V Program, is a federally funded program designed to assist adults age 55 and older in entering or reentering the job market. The program is administered by the Illinois Department on Aging through the Area Agencies on Aging, which are responsible for implementation at the local level.

The SCSEP Program fosters and promotes part-time and temporary community service opportunities that contribute to the general welfare of the community.

Who is Eligible?

Anyone is eligible to enroll in the program who...

  • is at least 55 years old,

  • has a limited income (a figure set by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at not more than 125% of the poverty level), and

  • is capable of performing the tasks involved in the proposed community service assignment.

How it Works

SCSEP places enrollees – usually 20 hours a week at minimum wage – in community service or not-for-profit agencies where they can remain productive and independent by contributing their talent and services to their communities while earning a modest income.

Participants also receive personalized employment-related counseling to enhance their abilities, skills, and aptitudes to increase their job marketability.

Enrollees receive job-related training designed to assist them in finding permanent unsubsidized employment. Training may consist of upgrading existing skills, development of new skills, exposure to educational opportunities, and counseling and assistance in finding and keeping a job to help improve their lives.

Typically SCSEP participants are offered positions in schools, hospitals, senior centers, nutrition programs, conservation programs, restoration projects, day care centers, employment training centers and other sites.


For more information or to locate a Senior Community Service Employment Program in your community, contact...

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