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Advocacy: The Home Care Ombudsman Program

In 2013, the Illinois Act on Aging authorized the Ombudsman Program to provide advocacy services outside of the long-term care setting.  In 2014, the Home Care Ombudsman Program began providing advocacy and assistance to older persons and persons with disabilities who live in the community.

How the Home Care Ombudsman Program Works

Home Care Ombudsmen are located throughout the state of Illinois and work to protect the rights of older persons and adults with disabilities living in the community who:


A Home Care Ombudsman can help you by answering questions you may have about the services you receive.  A Home Care Ombudsman may also help you:

  • if you have received a denial or termination letter for in-home services,

  • if you are not happy with the services you are getting from your MCO or HCBS Waiver Program, and/or

  • if you cannot get in touch with your MCO care coordinator or HCBS Waiver Program care coordinator.

If you feel your rights have been violated by your in-home service provider, the Home Care Ombudsman Program will:

  • assist in filing a grievance,
  • work to resolve complaints,
  • continue to educate about the rights as a MMAI or HCBS Waiver Service participant, and
  • assure the rights are understood and honored.
  • View the Home Care Bill of Rights Brochure.

Contacting a Home Care Ombudsman

If you would like to speak to a Home Care Ombudsman, you can call the Illinois Department on Aging Senior Helpline at 1-800-252-8966 or 711 (TRS).  Please press 4, "other services", and ask for a Home Care Ombudsman or email us at

Health Fair/Outreach Event

If you are hosting a health fair or outreach event and would like to request materials from the Home Care Ombudsman Program or have a Home Care Ombudsman attend your event, please email When emailing please include if the event is indoors or outdoors, the date, time, and location of the event, the number of anticipated participants, if there is a fee for participation, and the contact person's name, email address, and telephone number. We encourage you to contact the Home Care Ombudsman Program at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event. 

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