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Office of Adult Protective Services (APS) Brochures

This brochure is intended to help you understand what abandonment means and how it fits into Adult Protective Services (APS). APS Program accepts reports of abandonment to help eligible adults who have been left without proper care or necessities.
Additional Languages: 
ChineseHindiPolishRussianSpanishTraditional Chinese

Adult Protective Services Program Annual Report, FY 2024
Information on services, principles and structure of this program, as well as a summary of abuse occurrences, state accomplishments in addressing these incidences and efforts to protect Illinois seniors. Demographics are included in this multi-page report.

FY 2023 (8.5" x 11", 3.0 MB) (demographics included)

FY 2022 (8.5" x 11", 2.0 MB) (demographics included)

FY 2021 (8.5" x 11", 2.2 MB) (demographics included)

Bankers can help stop senior exploitation before it happens!
What Financial Institution Employees Can Do to Help

Adult Protective Services Awareness Campaign
Additional Languages: 
ChineseHindiPolishRussianSpanishTraditional Chinese

Adult Protective Services and Ombudsman Program Awareness Campaign 
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First Responders Card

Abuse, Neglect, Financial Exploitation, and Self-Neglect Guide & Resource Card

Reporting Abuse: What Professionals Need to Know 
This publication defines abuse; lists who is mandated to report it and under what circumstances; explains how to make a report; describes what happens once a report is made to the Adult Protective Services Program; provides indicators of each type of abuse; and lists the state's designated Abuse Provider Agencies, their telephone numbers and the area each serves. 

Engage to learn, recognize, and help those who may self-neglect.
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Signs of Abuse
There are many types of abuse, the most obvious being physical abuse. Abuse can also
consist of emotional abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse, neglect, and abandonment.


Working Together 
An overview of the APS program, what to expect during a case, your rights and possible outcomes.
Additional Languages: 
Arabic, Chinese (Simplified) (Traditional), HindiPolishRussianSpanish

Guidelines for Professionals
  • Guidelines for Law Enforcement Professionals (coming soon)